Warsaw, January 30, 2020 Dear Friends and Colleagues, Members of the IEMFS, The winter break finally gave me enough time to put together various pieces of information about the activities of our Society. Some of you may be aware of at least a part of the recent developments, now it seems like a good moment […]
E. M. Forster Conference in Paris – Call for Papers
E. M. Forster, Howards End (1910) and its adaptation by James Ivory (1992) Friday, December 13, 2019 University Sorbonne Nouvelle — Paris 3 “Only Connect: Reconsidering E. M. Forster’s and Ismail Merchant and James Ivory’s Howards End” E.M. Forster’s Howards End (1910) has been the object of a vibrant critical debate. Often defined […]
CfP — Re-orientating E. M. Forster
It is with great pleasure that we are sharing with you the call for papers of the forthcoming Forster conference which will take place in April 2020 in Cambridge. Please, share the news with everyone you think might be interested and let’s meet in Cambridge in a year! CALL FOR PAPERS RE-ORIENTATING E. M. FORSTER […]
Re-orientating E. M. Forster
ADVANCE NOTICE RE-ORIENTATING E. M. FORSTER Texts, Contexts, Receptions An international conference to be held in Cambridge Thursday 2 to Saturday 4 April 2020 E. M. Forster died on 7 June 1970. One of the great British writers of the twentieth century, his continuing popularity in the years since his death is reflected in the numerous reprintings […]
Howards End America
We have some more information about the new Forsterian opera – Howards End America is still closer to its opening night. You will find all the details in this new page and the details about the creation of the libretto in Claudia Stevens’ paper.
Forsterian Issue of PJES now Available
A special issue of the Polish Journal of English Studies dedicated to E. M. Forster is now available on the journal’s website, HERE. Enjoy reading!
Conference Registration for Visitors
We’ve just opened the registration for scholars and students who would like to attend our conference “E. M. Forster: Nature, Culture, Queer!” in Ludwigsburg in April 2018 without their own paper, poster or lightning talk: visitor registration.
New Stage Adaptation of A Passage to India
Members and friends of the Society based or visiting London may be interested in this new stage adaptation of A Passage to India:
Birthday Presents
Dear Friends and Members of the IEMFS! We want to celebrate Forster’s 139th birthday with our brand new database of film and stage adaptations of Forster’s novels. Please, take a look here and see if there is anything you would like to add! We have also greatly updated our first database – The Translations of Forster.
Forster at Literature Cambridge Study Day
Dear Friends and Members of the IEMFS! We have just received an invitation to Literature Cambridge Study Day, which will be held on 17th March 2018. The topic is E. M. Forster: For Love of Italy and it will be taught by Cambridge lecturers Alison Hennegan and Jeremy Thurlow. Bookings are now open. There is […]